Saturday, February 25, 2012

Library Research Assistance

Unfortunately, health concerns kept me from attending class last Tuesday. However; after reviewing the Research Assistance website I have learned that it is a useful tool to find my way around. It is an important tool for use because it really helps a person navigate their way through the library, and make sure they take advantage of what is all offered. I can use this to help locate where I need to go in regards of my research, and also make sure that everything is correct and done on time. I never realized we had such a thing here at state. I know now that it will come in practical use. Especially finding the APA citation guidelines to use for my Psychology major. I never remember all the rules and it is comforting to know that all of the guidelines are posted right on the SCSU website! :)

Prioritized List of Questions

1. What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean?
2. Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?
3. What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and how has democracy in America been a change?
4. What different modes of transportation are used in your country?
5. At what age do you start school? Are you under a lot of stress in school?
6. What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each? 
7. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
8. How would you describe famous sports in your country?
9. Which country`s food do you like the most? What are the similarities and differences between it and your own culture`s food?
10. Could you tell me a secret about yourself that very few people here know about and that shows us well, who you are and what you stand for?
11. What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Interview Questions

1. What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better? 
      Honestly, as a third year student and also a transfer student from Gustavus there are a variety of things SCSU could do to make my stay on campus better. I rent an apartment on the East side of campus, so I do not have any complaints about "living," but there are other things. First off, I would love if students here got a free parking spot. State has no reason to charge the enormous amount that they do to students. Also, it seems to me that classes here should have more structure. By that I mean, two SCSU students may be in the same "class" but have two very different structures. They learn very opposite things, this doesn't seem right to me.

2. Could you tell me a secret about yourself that very few people here know about and that shows us well, who you are and what you stand for? 
      This question should be fairly easy seemings how I do not really know anyone in the class; however, I'm not very good at sharing secrets. Something that stands out about myself that not a lot of people know however, is that I used to be Vice President of the Southwest Minnesota Synod Lutheran Youth Organization. This is a board in Minnesota that high school Lutherans than can run for in order to represent other youth in the synod. As an LYO rep I was once responsible for setting up youth gatherings where youth could go and focus on their faith. It was something that I did for two years and is still a large part of my life. It really helped strengthen who I am today. 

3. Which country`s food do you like the most? What are the similarities and differences between it and your own culture`s food? 
      This may be the easiest question for me to answer. I am absolutely in love with the cultural food in Germany! I have been to Europe twice, and one of the things I miss most is actually the food. The food in Germany is quite similar to American food with more emphasis on meat, bread, and cheese in my experience. Almost every meal served is healthy. Many times they would do meat and cheese entrees on crackers with salad for lunch, and a formal family sit down meal for dinner. 

4. What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean? 
      In the United States the most typical greeting to someone whom you have just met is a handshake followed by introductions. It seems in this country this means that you are pleasantly honored to meet them, and a hand shake is given in respect. For someone who you know more, a hug might be given in the right situation. Obviously you wouldn't hug somebody in a business room, but maybe when you meet on campus. Finally, for family or a significant other of some sort people may give a hug or kiss. It is a more intimate greeting that shows that you deeply care for that individual. 

5. What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and how has democracy in America been a change?
      Being an American, my entire life has been under a Democratic government. I do agree with what democracy stands for and what it has to offer people. Being in a democracy people are given freedom of expression. This means that we are free to be who we are and make whatever out of ourselves that we can. However, I do not agree with democracy on a large scale as it is in the United States. The government process, in my eyes, has turned into nothing more than rich politicians hoping to earn more money than the last guy. I think if states had more power I would trust the government more. At this point, it is just to large for the system. 

6. What different modes of transportation are used in your country? 
      There are many ways to travel in this country. Of course, the number one determining factor is the distance of travel. If a place is in walking distance some people will walk or take a bike. Of course however, we all know that some people are more lazy than the next. For longer trips not in walking distance, or for the lazy, the number one mode of transportation is the automobile. If cost or parking is an issues trains and subways are becoming more popular. Finally, if the trip is a long distance an airplane is also a popular mode of transportation. 

7.  At what age do you start school? Are you under a lot of stress in school?
      Schooling in America usually starts around ages 4 or 5 in a preschool or Kindergarten program. For the elementary and middle school ages there is not a lot of stress involved with school. Students do not really have much homework, and school is more to obtain the basics. Starting around age 14 when students start High School, stress starts to become more and more common. Students are told over and over again that the better they do in school the better they can become. They are reinforced to attend college after high school to "obtain the American dream," and as we all know; college can be extremely stressful. 

8. What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each? 
      In the United States we celebrate many holidays that are both religious and prideful. For instance, we celebrate Christmas and Easter; two religious holidays. I get together with my family for both of these holidays, at Christmas time we exchange presents with our loved ones. I also celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, this event is for culture specific, and it is a time that we give thanks for what we all have. Another event that I celebrate, but not always with family is the 4th of July or Independence Day. Usually I celebrate this day at the beach with a bunch of friends. 

8b. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
     I have a couple of daily rituals in regards to my beliefs. As a Lutheran I find it very important to pray. I try to do this at least once a day before bedtime, but there are definitely situations in which I pray much more than once a day. For example, this past weekend I was in the hospital with heart compilations, I probably prayed at least every hour. Aside from prayer, I also try to make it to church at least once a month. It'd be nice to go more often than that but with my schedule it isn't always possible. Finally, another ritual I have for myself is to do one good deed to another at least once a day. I'm a firm believer that that person with do unto another, and so on. 

9.  How would you describe famous sports in your country?
      Sports are very popular in this country. All of the popular sports have professional leagues across states for example; football (NFL), baseball (MLB), basketball (NBA), and hockey (NHL) just to name a few. People are usually die hard fans of their favorite team in a certain league, and will attend games and buy merchandise or attire to support there favorite team or player. Sports are so popular here that being a professional athlete is one of the highest paying jobs in the country. Often times people can be very aggressive when attending these games, and create fantasy teams or leagues and make bets at casinos. These games are also played at lower unprofessional levels and for recreational fun. 

10.Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?
      A typical day for most children in the United States is quite comparable, and something I remember very well. I often times wish to be young again! Most children begin their days by waking up in the morning, often times by a parent. They then prepare for school, eat breakfast, and usually board the bus on their way. After spending 8 hours in the classroom, they'll return home on the bus and have a night of activity. For some children it might be going outside, to daycare, coloring, or taking some type of lesson. On the weekends children usually take most of the day to play and enjoy themselves, what kids do best!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Group 6: Religion/Cultural Events

1. What religious holidays or other cultural events do you celebrate; can you explain your traditions for  each?
2. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
3. What are some other cultural events that you acknowledge?
4. Is religion part of you law system?

Interview Questions

1. Where are you from? (specifically) What language is spoken?
2. What is you region's terrain like?
3. How big is your family? is this average?
4. What do your parents do for work?
5. How would you describe a typical day in the home? who makes decisions?
6. What is the structure of schooling in your country?
7. How do you get to school?
8. Do a lot of people in your country per sue higher education? is this important to the culture?
9. What is the main type of dish in your country?
10. How do families obtain most of their food; market, home grown?
11. What are the popular sports of your country?
12. Is it common for youth to involve themselves in any? which ones?