Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hacker Review of Clear Sentences

  1. E-ex 8-1 Active vs. passive verbs: This exercise was helpful, because although I thought I knew all about the topic I was reminded that the subject should name the actor.
  2. E-ex 8-2 Active vs. be verbs: This exercise was good for me because it made me realize that verbs themselves can decide the "power" of a sentence.
  3. E-ex 8-3 Active verbs  (edit and compare): Another good exercise, because it made me realize that I do not always use active verbs correctly.
  4. E-ex 9-1 Parallelism: Although never a bad reminder, this exercise did not really help me, because it is a topic that I already understand and use.
  5. E-ex 9-2 Parallelism: This was much the same as exercise 9-1. I did not struggle, because I know the concept well.
  6. E-ex 9-3 Parallelism  (edit and compare): I found this helpful, just because my edits were the same as theirs. It made me confident that I know the topic.
  7. E-ex 10-1 Needed words: This exercise proved helpful because I quickly realized it can be tricky to always know which words are needed.
  8. E-ex 10-2 Needed words  (edit and compare): This exercise was good because it helped me clear up the confusion from the previous exercise.
  9. E-ex 11-1 Mixed constructions: This exercise was somewhat beneficial, although something I was confident in, it did help me with ordering sentences.
  10. E-ex 11-2 Mixed constructions  (edit and compare): This exercise was super beneficial. Although I was confident in the prior exercise I found myself correcting correct sentences that didn't need it. I went through it a few times to clear up my confusion.
  11. E-ex 12-1 Misplaced modifiers: This exercise was both beneficial and not. I understood the concept and how to do it, but it helped me realize why the modifiers are placed where they are.
  12. E-ex 12-2 Misplaced modifiers  (edit and compare): This exercise did not help me much, because I already learned what I didn't know from the previous exercise.
  13. E-ex 12-3 Dangling modifiers: Since my group is working on the subject there wasn't much to learn here, but it was beneficial to go over again for presenting.
  14. E-ex 12-4 Dangling modifiers  (edit and compare): Once again, I already knew what was wrong, but was beneficial for presenting purposes.
  15. E-ex 13-1 Shifts: person and number: This exercise was quite helpful to me, because I am not always consistent with my noun usage.
  16. E-ex 13-2 Shifts: tense: This wasn't helpful to me, because it was quite simple. It was a topic that was knocked into me time and time again from elementary school.
  17. E-ex 13-3 Shifts: This exercise was beneficial, because I know it is something that I am not very good at doing.
  18. E-ex 13-4 Shifts  (edit and compare): This was good, because I was able to use what I had learned from the previous exercise. I believe this will help me with editing papers.
  19. E-ex 14-1 Choppy sentences: This exercise wasn't very helpful, because it is a mistake I rarely make so I had no problem going through the examples.
  20. E-ex 14-2 Choppy sentences  (edit and compare): Although the concept proved easy, this exercise helped me realize why some sentences are choppy.
  21. E-ex 14-3 Subordination: This exercise was probably the most beneficial to me. It seems to be a mistake that I probably make time and time again without knowing. It helped me understand what should be emphasized in a sentence.

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